Members Forum




Co-ordinate Geometry

Survey Programs

Leica Programs

Windows Interface

AutoCAD Utilities

Pocket PC

Excel Spreadsheets

Casio Utilities

Psion Workabout

PDF Documents

Internet Utilities

3D Printing

Surveying Co-ordinate Geometry

   Bearing and Distance to Coordinates  (PDF)

How to calculate Coordinates (Easting/Northing, X/Y) using bearings and distances.

   Centre of 3D circle  (PDF)

The centre of a circle defined by 3 known points can be calculated using the formulae listed here.

The program defines a line passing equidistantly perpendicular through the centre of a circle, then calculates the intersection of the line and the plane of the circle.

   Co-ordinate Transformations  (Link)

Mathematical equations required to carry out simultaneous Scale, Rotation and/or Translations

    Resection (Graphic)

Graphical illustration of the "tienstra" resection algorithm.

    Sine and Cosine Rules (Graphic)

Triangle solutions.

    Intersection by Angles (Graphic)  

Intersection computation using the "Angles" method.

    Intersection by Bearings (Graphic)  

similarly, using the "Bearings" method.

   One Point Circle Fix (Graphic)  

Find the centre of a circle by measuring the distance to one point.  Useful for calculating inaccessible vertical pipe centres or plumbing tubular columns using reflectorless EDM.

    Area (Graphic)

Cross multiplication formula to calculate the area of a polygon.

    Intersection of a Line to a Plane (Graphic)

This graphic illustrates how to calculate the intersection point of a 3D Line (defined by two points) and a 3D Plane (defined by three points).

Useful for determining the location of a point that is not visible, where a distance to the plane is not measurable or required.

    Point to Plane Distance (Graphic) ** Updated January 2014

Need to know how much flat an inclined surface is?  This shows how to calculate the perpendicular distance from a measured point to a design 3D plane (defined by 3 points).

See also Casio fx-7400g plus section below...

   Total Angles of a Polygon  (PDF 170 Kb)

The basic formula to work out the Total Internal or External angles of a Polygon.

  Perimeter (Circumference) of an Ellipse  (Link)

I recently wanted to calculate the circumference of an Ellipse. Turns out it's not quite straightforward...but do-able.

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Surveying Programs

    Java Graticule 3D  (Link)

An open-source Least-Squares adjustment tool.

    NRG Cogo v2.3  (11.9Mb)

NRG has released a freeware version of its CoGeo software for Windows.

    FreeCogo v3.18  (3.31Mb)

A fully functioning Co-ordinate Geometry program with Graphical Interface.  Designed for personal use only.  For further details, updates and other versions, visit the LandSurveyorsUnited website.

    Canoma  (86.38 Mb)

A 3D photo modelling program (no longer supported).

    Intersections  (40Kb)

This VisualBasic program computes Intersections from observed data.  Includes example files.  Users of Leica TCR700 series should also download the "Angles.frt" file in the Leica Format section.

    StarNet - Link to all versions

    StarNet v7.105 (Demo)  (61.27 Mb)

This is the latest version of StarNet.  It is a fully functional version but it is limited to adjusting 10 points.  A comprehensive help file system is included in the software.

    StarNet v6.043 (Demo)  (48.76 Mb)

An updated version 6 demo of StarNet.

    StarNet v6.025 (Demo)  (4.2 Mb)

Self-extracting demo version of the Star*Net Angle Adjustment program.  Limited to 10 stations.

    StarNet v6.036 documentation  (669 Kb)

A tour of the v6.036 Starnet demo program in pdf format.

    StarNet v6 manual  (2.29 Mb)

The official StarNet v6 Reference Manual for the Standard and PLUS editions.

   CMT CogoCAD v2.2  (4.85 Mb)

Freeware data manipulation, co-ordinate geometry, and import/export facility.  Unfortunately, uses US format of Northing, Easting.

    A Guide to Co-ordinate Systems in GB  (637 Kb)

A PDF introduction to mapping co-ordinate systems and the use of GPS datasets with Ordnance BSurvey mapping.

   GPS for Dummies  (PDF 18 Mb)

A PDF e-book covering all aspects of Global Positioning.

Structural Engineering

   Hilti Profis Anchor  (Link)

Freeware (requires registration) that allows the correct type of Hilti anchor to be selected given the necessary load/upthrust parameters.

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Leica Programs

   Leica Geosystems

    Leica TPS user guides  (Link)

A selection of pdf user guides for the TPS400, TPS700, TPS800 & TPS1200.

    Leica Survey Office v2.21  (11 Mb)

Data downloading and manipulation software for Leica users.  This version was freely downloaded from the Leica Geosystems website.

    TPS-DNA-Online_v114.pdf  (229 Kb)

Interface commands for TPS instruments using RS232 interface.

    Leica USB Download Cable - Driver v1.0 (1.43Mb)

Device driver for the GEV189 & GEV195 USB Download Cables.  Zipfile includes installation instructions.

Leica Formats

    Leica Formats  (Link)

User defined Leica Formats for TPS300/700 theodolites.

     Leica Stylesheet v2.2 (2Kb)   Written by Roger Walker (2017)

User defined Stylesheet to download raw observations for TS16.

Leica Instrument Explorer for the Pocket PC

Leica Instrument Explorer enables you to exchange data from a total station to your Pocket PC or vice versa. Also enables you to view and edit survey data (e.g. coordinate files, measurement files) on the Pocket PC.

Supports TPS400 & TPS700 Instruments in the following platforms:

To install Leica Instrument Explorer unzip the downloaded file, and then copy the files LeicaInstrumentExplorer.exe and LeicaEditor.exe to the directory Windows\Start Menu\ in the Pocket PC.

Leica GSI, CSV & DXF converters


   Convert v1.0b  (39 Kb)

MS DOS prompt executable program to strip co-ordinates recorded in Leica GSI format into CSV format without the need for Survey Office or Excel.  Options to output results in metres or to be renumbered.


   CSV2DXF v3.13  (283 Kb)  ** Stable Version **

   CSV2DXF v4.1  (343 Kb)  ** Updated August 2018 **

Now includes DXF to CSV!

This macro enabled spreadsheet will convert a table of co-ordinates into a DXF file which can be imported directly into AutoCAD LT or full versions.  This version will now import points as "Points" as well as "Blocks".

August 2018 -  Includes option for different Point & Text sizes

    CSV2GSI v4.2  (356 Kb)

This latest version will create a GSI including observation data (Hz, VA's etc)

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Windows Interface Software

    Prolific PL2303  (2.22 Mb)

Serial to USB ser2pl.sys driver.

    Terminal  (170Kb)

Modern version of the old "Terminal for Windows v3.1" program.

    Terminal v3.1  (90Kb)

Original Windows v3.1 files.  Extract to Windows directory. Also includes "Psion Workabout" download icon and settings file.

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AutoCAD Utilities

Top Tips


Use this command to crop lines that overlap added text.

Type, "extrim", then select the text that requires clearing.  Selecting inside of the generated box will clear any linework from behind the text.

View image

AutoCAD Literature

  AutoCAD 2014 fundamentals  (PDF 2.18 Mb)

Other online pdf's and online videos can be found in the Links section.

AutoCAD Macros

The following macros are intended to simplify the process of importing and analysing survey and/or design data.

Download    How to install a VB macro and create a custom button  (PDF 1 Mb)

There is now a (poor quality) Youtube Video showing how to pre-load the macros and create a new Toolbar.  Best viewed "full screen".

Note:  Microsoft no longer supports Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and therefore Autodesk is gradually phasing out its VBA add-on.  The VBAenabler is now an optional extra with each AutoCAD version.  It also uses its own Library, which changes each year.  Therefore, for versions 2013 and newer, the macros are version specific and should not be mixed.  Simply "overwrite" the previous dvb file.

The 32 & 64-bit VBAenablers for AutoCAD 2010 onwards can be found [here]


Download the macros for your version of AutoCAD

AutoCAD Macro Installation (605kb)  ** January 2024

Please note that the macros suffixed "U" are now unprotected and are forward compatible with any subsequent year.

They are no longer updated every year.  Only following significant changes.

Simply download the latest available zip file for your version of AutoCAD.

Note:  These macros will work in BricsCAD.  See HERE for more details. Refer to ZWCad section for ZWCAD macros.

Files marked "P" are protected and will only work for that year.

Latest version: 

2024U.zip  (244 Kb) ** January 2024

These macros "should" be backwards compatible to 2021 as VBA2024 still uses the 2021 Library.

Note:  VectorDevs2011 has been renamed VectorDevs.

I am aware that the Angle2 program sometimes gives results xxDeg xxMin 60Sec.

Some 2024 users have reported problems with "ImportXYZ" and "Transformation". Go to the Visual Basic Editor (Alt+F11), then select Tools, References.

Check the tick-boxes are as shown HERE

[If "References" is greyed out, stop the macros by pressing the Stop/Reset icon, next to Play/Pause]

Uncheck any ticked boxes labelled "Missing".

Older versions:

   2019U2.zip  (266 Kb) ** September 2021

  2018U.zip  (232 Kb) ** Nov 2017

  2017U.zip  (225 Kb) ** September 2016

  2016U.zip  (353 Kb) ** May 2016

  2015P2.zip  (353 Kb) ** Bug fixed May 2015

  2014P.zip  (246 Kb)  ** Beta version - Report all bugs

  2013P.zip  (224 Kb)

For AutoCAD versions up to 2012

  Macro   Description
  Download  ALL MACROS


  Download  ImportXYZ  v1.8

View Screenshot

  Imports CSV files of points into AutoCAD drawing

  Download  ExportXYZ  v1.2

View Screenshot

  Exports CSV/Text file of points from AutoCAD drawing

  Download  Point ID v3.22

View Screenshot

  Plots the co-ordinates of a selected point within a text-box

  Download  VectorDevs v2004

View Screenshot

  Calculate and display as-built vector errors

AutoCAD 2004 - 2006

  Download  VectorDevs v2007

View Screenshot

  Calculate and display as-built vector errors

AutoCAD 2007 onwards

  Download  VectorDevs v2011

View Screenshot

  Calculate and display as-built vector errors

AutoCAD 2000 onwards

  Download  Distance2 v1.0

View Screenshot

  Calculates the Horizontal distance between 2 points

  Download  Transformation v3.3

View Screenshot

  Shift, scale and rotate any 2D drawing onto your site grid coordinate system. Now includes progress bar!  Updated October 2012.

  Download  Dash

View Screenshot

  Joins/draws lines between pairs of points without need to click "repeat"

  Download  Balloon v1.1 (beta)

View Screenshot

  Plots a sequentially numbered circle for ID purposes

    AutoCAD Lisp Routines

Lisp routines are loaded in a similar manner to macros (Load Application), but can be run from the command line by typing the lisp name.  eg flatten

  Lisp Routine   Comments
  Download  flatten   Flattens 3D drawing to zero elevation
  Download  3dcircle & 3darc   Draws 3D circle or arc through 3 points
  Download  xpipe & xtube   Converts a line to solid pipe or tube
  Download  pointsin   Imports 3D points  © Chris Bell
  Download  import-3d-poly   Import 3D polyline  © Tony Hotchkiss

Points Import Software for AutoCAD


Import, View and Save as DXF, lists of points from Excel, Access and Text files.

Pointor (US$57.50) is capable of creating a DXF file without the need for AutoCad and has a built-in preview of the data.

Other Utilities

     Universal Column Blocks  (41Kb)

Standard UC Sections in Acad DWG Format.  Suitable for inserting into drawings as a block.

CAD Utilities

    AutoCAD Version Explorer  (79 Kb)


A stand-alone program that provides an Explorer-like interface to quickly view AutoCAD previews and version information.

Autodesk website  (Link)

Older versions of Design Review and TrueView (and lots of other free stuff) can be downloaded from the CadForum website:

    Free DWG Viewer v7.0.1.11  (48 Mb)  Trial version

    Free DWG Viewer v6.0.0.6  (14 Mb)  Print Disabled

Free DWG Viewer will open and view AutoCAD DWG (R12 to 2008), DXF, DWF and secure CSF formats. 

If you need to print out a drawing, press "Print Screen" on your Keyboard, "Paste" into any graphics program (eg MSPaint), Crop and Print.

    View Companion  (0.9 Mb)

This program is suitable for viewing and plotting hp-gl/2 (*.plt & *.hpg) files that have been created in other applications such as AutoCAD, without the need for such software.

    Any DWG and DXF to PDF Converter  (5.13 Mb)

Batch convert any DWG or DXF drawing to PDF without the need for AutoCAD.  Option to convert Model or Layout drawings.

Draughting Utilities

    NGraphPaper  (1.93 Mb)

Useful utility for creating blank sheets of graph-paper.


    5D CtlP PDF Creator  (5.5 Mb)

Create PDF files from any "print" enabled program.  The file is zipped and includes a "License Code".  Useful for creating PDF format drawings from AutoCAD for clients who do not have a DWF viewer.

    CutePDF Creator  (Link)

Create professional PDF files from almost any printable document.  Link to free download and installation.

or direct download CuteWriter.exe  (1.6 Mb)

CAD Alternatives


ZWCad is a Chinese clone of Autodesk AutoCAD with virtually all of the same commands and layouts!

The AutoCAD macros above have been converted for use with ZWCAD.  The following zip file also contains a user-manual which explains their use, how to load & run them and also how to create a user-defined toolbar:-

  ZWCad Macros  (2.5 Mb)   ** New November 2023 **

ZWCad has VBA built-in, so there is no need to download a separate VBAenable file!

  ZWCad Website  (Link)


A range of CAD programs from free BricsCAD Shape to paid-for versions of BricsCAD for Engineers, Modellers and Designers...

  BricSys Website  (Link)


A brand new free CAD program from a new Algerian company.  The software is simple and will import CSV points and export DXF.  ** NEW VERSION **

   GroundCAD v0.2  (1.2 Mb)


Draftsight from 3DS is a free AutoCAD clone.  It allows users to view and edit DXG files.  Registration of email is required to activate the program.

   DraftSight Website  (Link)

Note:  I had an issue with the cursor not showing on the black background.  This may be a graphics card issue.

If you do not want to give your email address, use a temporary 10 minute email address to receive the activation code...


A9CAD is a general purpose two-dimensional CAD program. It supports industry standard DWG & DXF drawing formats.

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP/Vista

License: Freeware

Current Version: 2.2.1

    A9Tech Website  (Link)

    A9Cad v2 Setup  (15.5Mb)


FreeCad is a general purpose feature-based, paramteric 3D modeller for CAD.

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Pocket PC


    Levelling Sheet for Pocket Excel  (12Kb)

A zip file containing a blank levelling sheet that can be used in Pocket Excel 2002 on Pocket PCs.

Leica Instrument Explorer for the Pocket PC

See Leica Programs above

    3D Circle Fix for Windows Mobile  (24Kb)

A Pocket Excel spreadsheet that calculates the 3-D centre of 3 known points.  Also works in MS Excel.  Download and transfer to your mobile device.

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Excel Spreadsheets & Macros

 Excel 97

   Lat/Long/Bear/Dist to Lat/Long  (15 Kb)  ** New Oct 2023 **

Excel sheet calculating Latitude & Longitude of an unknown point, given a starting point and the (Whole Circle) Bearing and Distance.

   Bearing and Distance  (17 Kb)  ** New December 2018 **

Simple excel sheet calculating the Bearing & Distance between two known points. Zip file contains XLS & XLSX formats.

  Chainage & Offset  (56 Kb)

Calculates the perpendicular offset distance of a point from a known baseline and also the distance along the line to the same perpendicular point.

  Best-fit Circle  (32 Kb)

Calculates the "Best-Fit" centre of a set of points by minimising the residual errors.

  Best-Fit Centre-Line (v2)  (83 Kb)  ** Updated Nov 2023 **

A spreadsheet that calculates the "Best-Fit" 2-D line through a set of points by minimising the residual errors.  (Includes Linear Regression formula).

Updated in November 2023 to include "points adjusted onto line of best-fit"

  Best-Fit Centre-Line  (59 Kb)

Unlocked 2018 original.

   1 Pt Circle Fix  (14 Kb)

A simple spreadsheet to calculate the centre/radius of a circle from a known point with only one measured distance.

    Line2Line v1.0a (36 Kb)

A spreadsheet to calculate the shortest perpendicular distance between two 3D lines.  The spreadsheet will also display the two points on each line that are the closest.

    Point2Plane  (110 Kb)

This spreadsheet will compute the 3D co-ordinates of a perpendicular point on a plane from a measured point.  [See graphic].  The sheet also calculates the perpendicular distance.  The spreadsheet will allow up to 10 points to be entered. Updated June 2017 to allow the computation of up to 500 points.

    London Survey Grid  (35 Kb) 

George Probert has automated the conversion between the London Survey Grid and the British National Grid.  The pdf document showing how the London Survey Grid is used can be found [here].

   CSV2DXF v3.13  (283 Kb)  ** Stable Version **

   CSV2DXF v4.1  (343 Kb)  ** Updated August 2018 **

Now includes DXF to CSV!

This macro enabled spreadsheet will convert a table of co-ordinates into a DXF file which can be imported directly into AutoCAD LT or full versions.  This version will now import points as "Points" as well as "Blocks".

August 2018 -  Includes option for different Point & Text sizes

    Line2Plane  (20 Kb)

This is the Excel spreadsheet version of the Casio fx-7400 "Line to Plane" program which calculates the intersection point of a line (defined by two 3D points) passing through a plane defined by three 3D points.

    CSV2GSI v4.2  (356 Kb) 

An updated Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that converts CSV co-ordinates and Observations into either GSI-8 or GSI-16 strings. [Point, Easting, Northing, Elevation].

    Facade v1b  (30 Kb)

A spreadsheet to calculate co-ordinates of surveyed points on a building elevation without the use of reflectorless EDM. [See graphic]

    3D Point to Line  (32 Kb)

An Excel spreadsheet that calculates the three-dimensional offset of a point from a line determined by two points.  See here

Useful if you want to know how far off a line a point is, if the reference line is not flat.  The spreadsheet calculates the Intersection Point (IP) of the surveyed Point to the Line at right angles and also displays the "Chainage" along the line to the IP.

Also available for the Casio FX7400g+

    3D 3 Point Circle Fix  (16 Kb) 

Excel 2003 spreadsheet that calculates the centre co-ordinates (and radius) of a three-dimensional circle passing through 3 known points (X, Y, Z).  Contains a macro enabled button to clear the data.

    3D 3 Point Circle Fix (4dp)  (10 Kb) 

This version does not contain the "Clear All" macro which may cause problems in earlier Excel versions.  Data/Results are to 4 decimal places.  Thanks John.

    Bowditch Traverse Adjustment v2g  (550 Kb)  ** New July 2020 **

The latest version of my Excel spreadsheet, used to calculate and adjust open or closed traverses.  Includes an example and diagrams.

Version 2a - Forward bearing bug fixed - Nov 2011

Version 2b - Forward bearing bug fixed (again) - Feb 2012 [Thanks Leigh]

Version 2d - Open Traverse renamed Linear Traverse - Feb 2012

Version 2d_100 - Updated to allow 100 stations - Jan 2014
Version 2e - The final adjusted co-ords can now be copied - May 2016
Version 2f - The co-ords are formatted to 7+4 characters - June 2016
Version 2g - Additional Sheet allows entry of RO coords - July 2020

The misclosures are shown more clearly at the top of the page.

    Sets of Angles  (71 Kb)

Excel 97 Macro to reduce "Sets of Angles" data recorded in Leica GSI format.  The Macro will reduce the raw data to angles, and given the Station and RO information, reduce these angles to co-ordinates in mm or metres.

The zip-file also contains some test data loaded into a worksheet.

    Intersections v2  (53 Kb)

MS Excel Template, used to compute 3-D intersections from manually entered data. Includes example data.

    Resection  (45 Kb)

Excel spreadsheet to calculate Station co-ordinates given the arbitrary bearings to 3 known points.

    Coordinate Transformations (V3.1)  (30 Kb) 

** New Feb 2022 **

An excel spreadsheet used to transform points between co-ordinate systems given the data of 2 points in both systems.

v3.1 Feb 2022 - Repaired heading typos. Cleaned formulae.

v3 May 2021 includes a "reverse" tab to calculate coordinates in BOTH directions

v2 August 2014 - Includes linear height adjustment (Old version)

    Bearings  (14 Kb)

Simple excel formula calculating the Bearing between two points. Updated thanks to John Vossepoel.

    Circular Curve  (36 Kb)

Excel spreadsheet to calculate co-ordinates of points equally spaced along a circular curve, given co-ords of TP1 and TP2 and a radius

UPDATED:  Also calculates points along the curve at a given chainage...

    Area  (25 Kb)

Simple spreadsheet to calculate the area of a polygon.

    Excel 2007 for Dummies (PDF 6.19 Mb)

Zip file of the PDF book "Excel 2007 for Dummies".

   SurveyingSheets  (Link)

An online forum and useful source for surveying related Excel spreadsheets.  Thanks Khalid.

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Casio Utilities


Casio Interface Software

    FA-122.zip  (297 Kb)

FA-122 is the official Casio software. With it, you can send data from your computer to your calculator and vice versa. Of course you need an interface cable. The software can also be used to view .CAT files in a "human" form. Other features are screen captures, .CAT files edition and creation.  To send/receive .FXI programs, see the FXIWin software below.

    FA-123.zip  (450 Kb)

FA-123 is an update of the FA-122 software.

    FA-124.zip  (2.59 Mb)

Latest version of the Casio FX interface software.

    FXIWin Interface Software   (836 Kb)

This zip file contains the Yellow Computing FX Windows Interface editor used to create, view, print or modify programs written for the Casio Power Graphic models. Version 1.9.2.

Requires special cable (FA-123 or similar) to download or upload directly.

    FX Pro v3  (2.41 Mb)

FX-Interface for Windows 7 - but in French!!   English instructions (399kb).

    CasioFont.zip  (13 Kb)

This is (the official) Casio FX true type font. It was originally included in FX-INTERFACE program released by Casio.

    CasForm10.rar  (172 Kb)  or  CasForm10.zip  (216 Kb)

© Roy Maclean

A comprehensive Casio Format converter for g1m, cat, fxi, txt and ctf formats.

    Cat2Fxi v4.rar  (137 Kb)

© Roy Maclean

This updated program converts Cat <-> Fxi formats for the Casio Graphic calculators.

    Prolific PL2303  (2.22 Mb)

Serial to USB ser2pl.sys driver for interface cable.

Casio fx-7400G Plus and fx-9860GII (SD)

    Casio fx-7400G PLUS Instruction Manual  (1.72 Mb)

    Casio fx-9860GII (SD) User Guide  (2.66 Mb)

The official instruction manuals in PDF format.

    InSight Ver 1.2  (Link)

A land surveying suite of software for the FX7400g+.  Requires an interface cable to install the full set of programs properly.  The website also includes access to a complete user guide to the software and other links.

    Casio FX Programs (Link)

A selection of 32 of my own programs  that can be uploaded to the fx-7400g Plus via a PC Interface cable (which can be purchased separately) and FXIWin Interface Software or to the fx-9860-GII using the FA-124 interface (or optional SD card).

The programs include:

"Intersection by Bearings", "Intersection of Lines", "Resection", "Co-ordinate Transformation", "Chainage & Offset", "Traverse", "Bearing & Distance", "Area", "1 Point Circle Fix", "3 Point Circle Fix", "Curve", "Point to Plane" and "3D Circle Fix", "Survey" and "Levelling"

There is also a Users Manual (in pdf format) including a description of the programs, along with some examples to show how they work and should be used.

These programs are being supplied by an ebay user pretending to be the author.

FX-Interface Cable

Casio Interface cables and software are available to UK customers from "science_studio" on ebay:

www.ebay.co.uk  (Link to view "Buy it Now" item)

Casio interface cables for this model may be obtained from:

www.Calculators-Online.co.uk (Link)

Casio Personal Computers

Casio FX730P

    Casio FX730P Manual  (7.57 Mb)

Scanned copy of the FX730P owners manual in PDF format.

Casio FX850P/FX880P

    Casio FX850P & FX880P

    Casio FX850P & FX880P   (6 Kb)

A collection of programs written for the Casio FX850P/FX880P.  There are no instructions, but the programs are fairly self explanatory.

    Casio Interface  (Link)

Instructions and on how to upload/download Programs to/from your FX850P or FX880P without the need for an expensive and no-longer produced Interface box.

    Casio FX850P/FX880P Manual  (11.3 Mb)

PDF version of the FX850P/FX880P owners manual.

Casio FX5800P

    Casio FX5800P Manual  (1.16 Mb)

Casio fx5800P users guide.

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Psion Workabout


    Remote Control for Leica TCA2003 (Demo)  (8Kb)

This is a demonstration version of a remote control program for the Psion Workabout.  The full version can be used to remotely operate a TCA2003 (or similar) via a serial cable.  The program includes basic remote measuring to a target (using ATR & Lock) for co-ordinate display, as well as Tie-Distance and Reference Line (Chainage & Offset) calculations.  At this time there is no facility to record the results.

This simulated version is for the Workabout only and has the instrument interface code removed.  All "measured" angles, distances and co-ordinates are displayed as zero.  Upload the text-file to the Workabout RS232 via Windows Terminal.

If you require the full free version, please contact me and show a working knowledge of the Leica remote control system or describe a suitable application or requirement.

    PSION Workabout Emulator  (896 Kb)

This emulator is useful when testing programs written for the Psion Workabout.  However, it only will only run under DOS.  This will NOT work in the DOS window through Windows.  Your PC must be able to boot to DOS directly.

    PSION Programming Reference Guide  (Link)

A web based programming guide for the Psion 3a and Workabout.

See also Windows Interface (Terminal)

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PDF Documents

PDF Utilities

    PDF Split and Merge (Basic)  (Link)

This FREE program is the best PDF page editor that I know of.  I use it all of the time prepare reports by combining PDF documents into a single PDF rather than zipping them into an awkward folder.

Leica User Manuals

    Leica TPS user guides  (Link)

A selection of pdf user guides for the TPS400, TPS700, TPS800 & TPS1200.

To download PDFs, right-click the link and select "Save Target As..." .

National Structural Concrete Specification

    4th Edition (April 2010)  (1.16Mb)

The 4th version of the (UK) national structural specification for concrete.

    Notes on NSCS  (2.9Mb)

Some useful notes in PowerPoint style, produced by Jenny Burridge (The Concrete Centre) which compliment the above document.

National Structural Steelwork Specification

    6th Edition  (Link)

The current edition of the Structural Steel Specification as of 6th June 2017.

Note that there is no free downloadable copy.

    5th Edition  (PDF 2.28Mb)

The Structural Steel "Black Book".  The document is print locked.  However, you can use the online program pdfunlock to enable the print function.

    4th Edition  (PDF 259Kb)

Previous version of the Structural Steelwork fabrication, inspection and erection tolerances.

Software Manuals

    StarNet v6 manual  (PDF 2.29 Mb)

The official StarNet v6 Reference Manual for the Standard and PLUS editions.

Construction (Design Management) Regulations

    CDM Regulations 2007  (PDF 165Kb)

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007.

Corus "Blue Book"

     Corus Structural Sections  (PDF 1.26 Mb)

BS4 Part 1 (1993) and BS EN10056 (1999).  Dimensions and properties of Universal Beams and Columns in PDF format. 

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Internet Utilities

    Xenu  (292 Kb)

Xenu is a freeware "Broken-link" checker for your website...

    WS_FTPLE  (691 Kb)

WS FTP Lite, a free File Transfer Program (FTP) from www.Ipswitch.com.

    Pop-up Stopper v3.1  (477 Kb)

A useful utility to prevent unwanted advertising windows opening during browsing.

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3D Printing      This section is under construction

3D Printers have become a cheap and easy way to produce items useful for surveying. For example, bespoke target holders can be designed quickly and once used they can even remain on-site for future use.


Free 3D CAD software (as of December 2023)

3D models can be created in AutoCAD etc.  However, there are some free alternatices.

Tim Welds Youtube video lists 5 free CAD programs.

    Onshape  (Link)

    Fusion 360 (Personal)  (Link)

    Solid Edge  (Link)

    FreeCAD  (Link)

    Inkscape  (Link)


    Sketchup  (Link)

    TinkerCAD  (Link)

    Blender  (Link)


3D Printers

The best 3D printer for you depends upon your budget, how many times it will get used and how experienced you are at changing some of the pararmeters. Regardless, "buying cheap" is not always the best option!

Factors to consider:

Bed-size - Maximum size of your print

Bed-levelling - Options: Auto, manual and/or probe sensors

Plug & Play - Included software or free-to-use other open-source slicing programs

Heated-bed - Useful for model adhesion to the bed.

Personally, I have a Creality Ender-3 S1 Pro with Sonic Pad

    Creality Website (UK)  (Link)


3D Slicing Software

To convert CAD "STL" files into code that your 3D printer can understand, you will need a "3D Slicer". During the conversion, you can set the nozzle/bed temperatures and speed of the print as well as the "density", how to manage overhangs (supports) and even if you want to set-up a timelapse, change filament mid-print or print several items at the same time.

Link to reviews:  All3DP.com


    Ultimaker Cura  (Link)

    Prusaslicer  (Link)

    ideaMaker  (Link)

    OctoPrint  (Link)

    Slic3r  (Link)

    Makerbot Print  (Link)

Paid for

    Simplify3D  (Link)


3D Repositories

Don't want to or can't create 3D models? There are several websites that contain ready made shapes to download and print. Some are free, others charge per model.

    Thingiverse  (Link)

    Cults3D  (Link)

    Printables  (Link)


AutoCAD commands

Here are some simple commands that are used to create and modify some 3D shapes...

Note: It is best to work in millimetres when creating 3D shapes

RECTANG, CIRCLE etc - Draws simple 2D shapes.

3D/POLYLINE -  Create a 2D shape using a continuous line.  The points should be on the same plane - either flat or same surface.

JOIN - Turns a series of 2D lines into a continuous polygon. All of the nodes must be single points (with no gaps or crossovers) and on the same plane.

OFFSET - Useful for giving a "wall" thickness to a 2D shape

EXTRUDE - This will "drag" a 2D surface into a solid 3D shape for a defined distance.

SUBTRACT - This will remove one shape from another. ie remove a cyclinder (hole) from a baseplate.  Warning: The item being subtracted will be deleted, so if you want to re-use it, you should make a copy.

UNION - This joins 2 or more shapes together.  Useful if you need to perform an operation on everything. ie Fillet.  However, once joined, they cannot be (easily) separated.

FILLET - Rounds off the corners of an object.

Commands such as Copy, Move & Mirror are routinely used to aid 3D drawing.


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Neither the owner, author or host of this website, nor any third party software provider shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage to persons or property resulting in the use of the above software.

You may download and copy the content only for your own personal use, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such content.

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